First Figure (Defenestration – May 1618) (jig)

1) All lead around anticlockwise (waist hold) (8 bars)
2) All swing (waltz hold) (8 bars)
3) Top couples house around (8 bars)
4) All couples (holding inside hands) advance and retire once (4 bars)
5) Opening the windows (4 bars):
a) Side couples:
i) advance toward the center (2 bars)
ii) turn clockwise to form a line of four, raising their inside hands to form an arch. Side gentlemen are standing left shoulder to left shoulder, facing in opposite directions (2 bars)
b) Top couples: dance on the spot and then drop hands (4 bars)
Steps a) through b) are performed at the same time (4 bars)
(8 bars all together: 4+5)
6) Push gentlemen out the windows (8 bars together):
a) Side couples (only): holding arches, dance on the spot (4 bars)
b) Top couples (only) (4 bars):
i) top gentleman advances toward the arch on his left. Top lady dances on the spot (1 bar)
ii) top gentleman advances in front of the arch. Top lady follows behind him (1 bar)
iii) top lady pushes her gentleman through the arch (2 bars)
Steps a) through b) are performed at the same time (4 bars)
c) Top ladies retire, top gentlemen go to opposite top gentlemen’s positions, side couples retire
i) top ladies turn once clockwise in place
ii) top gentlemen go outside around the opposite lady, and turn clockwise into the opposite top gentlemen’s positions
ii) side couples retire
7. All couples swing (top gentlemen with opposite ladies) (8 bars)
8. Repeat parts 3–7 with side couples housing around (finish with all gentlemen on opposite sides) (32 bars)
9. Repeat parts 3–7 with top couples housing around (finish with top gentlemen back at home, side gentlemen still on opposite sides) (32 bars)
10. Repeat parts 3–7 with side couples housing around (finish with everyone back at home) (32 bars)
11) All house around (8 bars)
(all together 152 + 8 bars = 160 bars – Plain set – 5. fig.)

Second Figure (Battle of White Mountain – November 1620) (jig)

1) All lead around anticlockwise (waist hold) (8 bars), then drop hands, gents turn clockwise and ladies anticlockwise to face back the way they come. All lead around clockwise (waist hold again) (8 bars) (16 bars together)
2) All swing (waltz hold) (8 bars)
3) The Armies Moving (top couples lead the Armies Moving) (32 bars together)
a) Top couples house around (8 bars)
b) Top couples face the side couples on their left. Top couples advance and retire to the side couples (waist hold) (4 bars)
c) Top couples face the side couples on their right. Top couples advance and retire to the side couples (waist hold) (4 bars)
d) Top couples advance to the side couples on their left (2 bars). Top couples and side couples pass through (top couples split and go outside, side couples go inside) (2 bars), top couples and side couples turn clockwise on the spot and pass back (top couples go inside, side couples split and go outside) (2 bars). Side couples return home. Top couples go to the center of the set (2 bars) (8 bars together)
e) Top couples make a Christmas (6 bars). Top gentlemen take opposite top ladies to their gentlemen’s home positions (2 bars) (8 bar together)
4) Side couples lead the Armies Moving (32 bars)
5) Top couples lead the Armies Moving (32 bars)
6) Side couples lead the Armies Moving (32 bars)
7) All swing (8 bars)
8) All house around (8 bars)
(all together 168 + 8 bars = 176 bars – Labasheeda – 5. fig., Boyne set – 3. fig.)

Third Figure (Jára Cimrman – 19th century) (reel)

1) All lead around anticlockwise (waist hold) (8 bars)
2) All swing (waltz hold) (8 bars)
3) Top couples advance and retire once (waist hold) (4 bars), then half house to the opposite position from their home (4 bars) (8 bars together)
4) Top couples advance and retire once (waist hold) (4 bars), then half house back home (4 bars) (8 bars together)
5) All Double Corner chain: gentlemen take ladies R hand in R and both turn once in place clockwise (2 bars), gentlemen chain left hand to lady on the left (2 bars) both turn in place anticlockwise (2 bars), chain back to own partner with R hand (2 bars), turning in place clockwise. Gentlemen continue the chain with L hand to the lady on right (2 bars), both turn once in place (2 bars). All dance back to their own partners (2 bars). All face partners (without change their places) and dance on the spot (2 bars) (16 bars together)
6) All swing (8 bars)
7) All Return chain: partners face each other, take right hands, dance past one another, take left hands with the next dancer and dance past one another; continue the alternating right/left chain pattern to opposite place from their home place, original partners make a half-turn holding R hands to reverse chain direction (gents face clockwise, ladies anticlockwise), chain to home and original partners take right hands, and then all gentlemen turn their ladies under the R hand while they change places (8 bars) (16 bars together)
8) All four gentlemen dance a Christmas inside the set (8 bars)
9) All four ladies dance a Christmas inside the set (8 bars)
10) Side couples advance and retire once (waist hold) (4 bars), then half house to the opposite position from their home (4 bars) (8 bars together)
11) Side couples advance and retire once (waist hold) (4 bars), then half house back home (4 bars) (8 bars)
12) All Double Corner chain (16 bars)
13) All swing (8 bars)
14) All Return chain (16 bars)
15) All four gentlemen Christmas (8 bars)
16) All four ladies Christmas (8 bars)
17) All swing (8 bars)
18) All house around (8 bars)
(all together 176 + 8 bars = 184 bars – Connemara – 3. fig., Claddagh – 2. fig., Mazurka – 6. fig.)

Fourth Figure (Prague Uprising – May 1945) (reel)

1) All advance and retire once (waist hold) (4 bars), then advance to the position on the right (2 bars), clockwise one-quarter turn and retire to the opposite position from their home position (2 bars) (8 bars together)
2) All advance and retire once (waist hold) (4 bars), then advance to the position on the right (2 bars), and retire to their home position (2 bars) (8 bars together)
3) All swing (8 bars)
4) Top couples house around (8 bars)
5) All dancers (without holding) advance and clap hands once (2 bars), then retire and stamp once (2 bars), advance again (with a clap) (2 bars) and retire (with a stamp) (2 bars) (8 bars together)
6) All four ladies dance Ladies Interlace: each lady promenades in front of her partner toward the gentleman on the left (2 bars), passes behind, around and in front of him (2 bars), dances toward own partner (2 bars) and behind him to home position (2 bars). All gentlemen stand in place (8 bars together)
7) All four gentlemen dance Gentlemen Interlace: each gentleman promenades in front of his partner toward the lady on the right (2 bars), passes behind, around and in front of her (2 bars), dances toward own partner (2 bars) and behind her to home position (2 bars). All ladies stand in place (8 bars together)
8) All swing (8 bars)
9) Side couples house around (8 bars)
10) All dancers (without holding) dance advance and clap hands once (2 bars), then retire and stamp once (2 bars), advance again (with a clap) (2 bars) and retire (with a stamp) (2 bars) (8 bars together)
11) All four ladies dance Ladies Interlace (8 bars together)
12) All four gentlemen dance Gentlemen Interlace (8 bars together)
13) All swing (8 bars)
14) Move in Diagonal Lines: all couples in waltz hold, top couples turn left and side couples turn right. Ladies face backward toward home position and gentlemen face forward toward side position. Each top couple forms a diagonal line with the side couple on their right.
All advance and retire once (4 bars)
Top couples and their left side couples dance half house to switch places. Now are top couples on side position and side couples on tops position (4 bars) (8 bars together)
15) All repeat “Move in Diagonal Lines” three times (top couples always moving clockwise, side couples always moving anticlockwise) (24 bars together)
All couples are back in their home position
16) All swing (8 bars)
17) All house around (8 bars)
(all together 152 + 8 bars = 160 bars – Clare Lancers – 1. fig., Connemara – 1. fig., Moycullen – 1. and 2. fig.)

Fifth Figure (Velvet Revolution – 17 November 1989) (jig)

1) All couples lead around anticlockwise, crossed hands, gents on the inside. During the last two bars, the gent raises both hands and guides the lady in front of him to the inside position, while he moves to the outside position (8 bars together)
Change of Direction
2) All couples lead around anticlockwise again, crossed hands, ladies on the inside. During the last two bars, the couple drops right hands, the gent gives a gentle tug on her left hand to turn the lady clockwise on the spot to face the clockwise direction. The couple then drops left hands (8 bars together)
Travel Abroad (parts 3–6)
3) Ladies dance R-hand star (clockwise) around the set (4 bars) and back L-hand star (anticlockwise) to home (4 bars). Gentlemen dance in place (2 bars) and then dance anticlockwise three-quarters of the way around the set, to end in the position to the left of their home position (6 bars) (8 bars together)
4) All couples swing (each gentleman with a new lady) (8 bars)
5) Ladies chain and move on (like the chain in Plain set – 5. fig.): top ladies take right hands in the centre and chain to the opposite gentleman. As they reach the centre, side ladies begin the same movement. All ladies give left hand to the opposite gentleman and turn clockwise under his arm as he dances anticlockwise around them, all turning at the same time. Ladies dance on to the gentleman right of the place they chained from, giving right hand and turning once anticlockwise under his arm and into waltz hold (8 bars)
6) All swing (8 bars) (The gentlemen are now in the position to the left of their home position. The ladies are now in the position to the right of their home position.)
7) All repeat “Travel Abroad” once (The original tops ladies start the chain again – like in Plain set – 5. fig.). Everyone will now be with own partner on the opposite position (32 bars together)
Building a New Life Together (parts 8 and 9)
8) All take hands in a circle and advance and retire twice (8 bars)
9) All together dance a big Christmas (8 bars)
(all together 96 + 8 bars = 104 bars – Corofin – 2. fig.)


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