Tento set vyučoval Gerard Butler v rámci Bernard´s Summer School 2009 v Praze účastníky jeho lekcí. Set pochází z Moycullen, kde na přání místních tanečníků ho oživila paní Marie Philbin. Původně lokální set se díky Marii stává populárním mezi setovými tanečníky. Jeho popis byl převzat z knížky Apples in Winter od Pat Murphyho.
Hudba pro doprovod se nachází na CD Dance Music of Ireland, volume 18 od Matt Cunninghama.

FIGURE 1: REEL (160 bars)

a) All couples lead around, each gent with his right arm over the lady´s shoulder, holding right hand in right and left hand in left – 8 bars
b) Gents bring thein right hand forward over the lady´s head and all house around in waltz hold – 8 bars
c) Top ladies chain with right hands in the centre, turn around opposite gent with left hand and dance back to place, passing right shoulder to right – 8 bars
d) All couples swing in waltz hold – 8 bars
e) Side ladies chain as in (c) above – 8 bars
f) All couples swing in waltz hold – 8 bars
g) Taking crossed hands, top couples advance and retire once (4 bars), then dance to face the side coule on thein left (2 bars), release hand the hands and all dance on the spot (2 bars), each top couple facing the side couple on their left – 8 bars
h) Each top couple square with the side couple facing them. They dance forward passing right shoulder to right, turn to face their own partner and pass them left shoulder to left to face the opposite couple again from the other side (4 bars). Top couples now pass back throught the side couple and pass their partners left shoulder to left again, top gents going back to their own places and top ladies crossing to the opposite top lady´s place (4 bars). Side couples dance into place facing each other as they pass, with gents on the inside – 8 bars
i) All couples swing, tops with opposite partners and sides with their own partners – 8 bars
j) All repeat (g) to (i), top ladies crossing back home and all swing their own partners at (i) – 24 bars
k) Repeat (g) to (j) with side couples leasing. They dance to face the top couples on thein left for the square and side ladies Gross over and back on the last part of each square – 48 bars
l) All couples house around in waltz hold – 8 bars.

FIGURE 2: REEL (160 bars)

a) All couples lead around, each gent with his right arm over the lady´s shoulder, holding right hand in right and left hand in left – 8 bars
b) Gents bring their right hand forward over the lady´s head and all house around in waltz hold – 8 bars
c) Taking crossed hands, top couples advance and retire once (4 bars), then advance to form a line of four in the centre, each lady standing between the opposite couple and the gents on the outside (4 bars) – 8 bars
d) Top dancers take right hands low with the opposite lady or gent and dance one full clockwise turn around them (4 bars), then dance forward to opposite positions, each gent to the opposite lady´s position and each lady to the opposite gent´s position (2 bars). They now pass their partners, facing each other all the time, gents on the inside, as they change places with them (2 bars) – 8 bars
e) Top couples repeat ( c ) and (d), crossing back to home – 16 bars
f) Side couples dance ( c) to (e) – 32 bars
g) All face their own partners in place and dance back to back, passing right shoulder to right as they dance forward and left shoulder to left as they reverse back to place (4 bars). The gents now dance on the spot while ladies dance forward, passing their partners right shoulder to right and move on to face the next gent on the left of their own positions (4 bars) – 8 bars
h) All swing their new partners – 8 bars
i) All repeat (g) and (h) three times, so that ladies move on to each gent in turn, moving left each time until they are back home swinging their own partners – 48 bars
j) All couples house around in waltz hold – 8 bars

FIGURE 3: JIG (152 bars)

a) Dancing polka steps, all couples dance the body as in the Kerry Set. In waltz hold, they step to the centre and back (2 bars), then turn clockwise once as they move one position to their right (2 bars). These movements are repeated three times as they dance around the set (12 bars) – 16 bars
b) All couples swing in place in waltz hold – 8 bars
c) Crossover: Top ladies cross the set passing left shoulder to left and také right hand in right with the opposite top gent. They dance outside and around this gent, dancing a full clockwise turn around him to finish in the opposite lady´s position holding him in waltz hold – 8 bars
d) Top couples house around each other with their new partners – 8 bars
e) Top couples repeat (c ) and (d), top ladies crossing back to house with their own partners – 16 bars
f) Side couples dance (c ), (d) and (e) - 32 bars
g) The four ladies join right hands in the centre and dance in a wheel to opposite positions (4 bars), then the four gents join left hands in the centre and wheel to opposite positions to meet their own partners there (4 bars) – 8 bars
h) All couples swing in place in waltz hold in opposite positions – 8 bars
i) The four ladies join right hands in the centre and dance in a wheel back to their own positions (4 bars), then the four gents join left hands in the centre and wheel back to their own positions to meet their own partners there (4 bars) – 8 bars
j) All couples swing in place in waltz hold in palce – 8 bars
k) Dancing polka steps, all couples dance the body as in the Kerry Set. In waltz hold, they step to the centre and back (2 bars), then turn clockwise once as they move one position to their right (2 bars). These movements are repeated three times as they dance around the set (12 bars) – 16 bars
l) All couples swing in place in waltz hold – 8 bars

FIGURE 4: POLKA (128 bars)

a) All advance and retire twice in a circle – 8 bars
b) All couples swing in place in waltz hold – 8 bars
c) All facing centre, top ladies cross right shoulder to right, top gents Gross left shoulder to left, then side ladies cross right shoulder to right and side gents Gross left shoulder to left – 8 bars
d) Facing thein own partners in opposite positions, all dance forward in a circle, passing their partners right shoulder to right and the next person left shoulder to left (4 bars). All face the next (third) person and swing (4 bars). Gents are now one position left of their own original place and ladies are one position right of their own originál place – 8 bars
e) All repeat (c) and (d) from their new positions, top dancers (now in side positions) crossing first again and all swing their own partners in opposite positions this time – 16 bars
f) Repeat (c) to (e ) so that all are back swinging their own partners at home again – 32 bars
g) Facing their own partners in place, all chain around the set, dancing out the eight bar in opposite positions, then continuing the chain around to home – 16 bars
h) All couples swing in place in waltz hold - 8 bars
i) All advance and retire in a circle, then advance again, putting arms around each other – 8 bars
j) All swing in one big Christmas to finnish – 8 bars


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